Monday, May 19, 2008

Important Things Gone Missing

The past couple of weeks it seems like things keep disappearing.

It started one sunny Saturday afternoon when we had the patio door open to enjoy the weather. We thought that our cat Miro had jumped over the patio while we weren't looking. She has a tomcat that visits her often and we think she would like to hook up with him. After searching outside for almost 4 hours, I decided to trade my flip flops for tennis shoes. I opened the sock drawer and there was Miro taking a nap. It seems that one of two things happened: either Miro climbed into the sock drawer and Zoe closed it or Zoe put Miro in the sock draw and closed it.

Another night I was going through the mail and making piles. Skip makes fun of me about always making piles. One pile for bills, one for trash and another for shredding. As I was placing the trash pile and the shredded pieces in the garbage can I thought to myself "I hope I'm not throwing away something important." It turns out that I was. My wedding ring had slipped off my finger. When I realized that my ring was missing it only took me about 30 minutes of searching the apartment before I looked in the trash.

Then while we were on vacation in Colorado last week my cell phone disappeared. Turns out it was stolen. It was either taken in our hotel room or at a restaurant in Boulder.

So we're going through security at the airport and I take Zoe out of the stroller and carry her through the metal detector and I notice that her diaper had a major leak. After we get to the other side I take a closer look at she's not wearing a diaper. While we were stopped for gas on the way to the airport, I changed Zoe's diaper... or at least I thought I did. I'm hoping that Zoe took off her diaper before I had a chance to put her pants back on and I just didn't notice. I really hope that I didn't forgot that very important step of replacing the dirty nappy with a new one. I've had insomnia for the past couple of nights, but come on, this is crazy. I've never forgotten to put her diaper on before.

During the past two weeks my cat, wedding ring, cell phone and Zoe's diaper have all gone missing. If this were TV that would mean something about my life.

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