Monday, March 30, 2009

Catching Up

It's been way too long since my last post. Here's a picture from last week. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and very happy that this little one will be full term when she joins us on the outside.

I'm getting to the point in the pregnancy where I have very little energy and everything seems to take a huge amount of effort, especially things like getting up from lying down or getting up off the floor.

As you can see I'm posting this at 2am. My insomnia is back, but I think I can blame the pregnancy. At least that's what I'm telling myself. My mind isn't on hyper overdrive and my body is relaxed for the most part, I'm just not able to fall asleep.

It doesn't help that I had a dream on Friday night that my water broke. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night and not sure if you're in labor or not.

I'm looking forward to her birth. If all goes well, she'll be born at home. It's going to be a completely different birth than Zoe's birth at the hospital. I'm hoping that this time the birth will be more peaceful and empowering.

A couple of people have been asking if we need anything. Here's a link to our wishlist. We have most of the big stuff, but could really use diapers and wipes. Also, if anyone has a badass ring sling or other infant carrier that they could recommend, that would be great. I'm thinking I'll need to try some on after she's born.

I've completed a couple of knitting projects that I need to post.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Bring on the tiny needles

I've been having some pregnancy-related pains in my hips and shoulders lately that were getting to the point that it hurt to do everything, so last Friday I went in for some acupuncture. It was awesome! I went to AOMA student clinic, which just a couple of minutes from our house where you can get an hour session for only $30. I've had acupuncture done about 4 years ago for insomnia and allergies, but never for muscular pain.

Afterward the pain in my shoulders was completely gone, the pain in my hips was barely noticeable and I had more energy than I've had in a long time. I felt great. When I got home I must have overdone it playing with Zoe and baking and cooking and cleaning and everything else. By the end of the night my ankles were swollen from standing and I crashed around 10pm.

It's Saturday night and my shoulders are still feeling great. My hips are OK, but I'll probably need to go back in. They said I should come in once a week. If only I could go every day.